Sunday, December 22
8:45 AM Orthros
10:00 AM Divine Liturgy
12:00 PM Nativity Pageant
Monday, December 23
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve)
8:30 AM Royal Hours followed by Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great (Sumter St. Church)
6:00 PM Orthos followed by Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (Cathedral)
Wednesday, December 25 (Christmas Day)
8:30 AM Orthos followed by Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (Sumter St. Church)
Thursday, December 26
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy - Synaxis of the Theotokos
Friday, December 27
9:30 AM Divine Liturgy - St. Stephen, First Martyr
Saturday, December 28
5:00 PM Great Vespers
- Welcome Visitors! We extend a warm welcome to visitors worshiping with us today. We would like to remind you that Holy Eucharist is reserved for those who have been baptized and/or Chrismated in the Orthodox Church and have prepared themselves to receive the Eucharist.
- Nativity Pageant Today! Please join our Sunday School students for the annual Nativity Pageant, which will take place in the gym directly following Divine Liturgy.
- Christmas Flowers - The St. Katherine's Philoptochos will be collecting donations in the Narthex after Liturgy today for the beautiful flowers we use to decorate for Christmas. Any amount you are able to contribute will be greatly appreciated.
- Church Office Holiday Schedule - The Church Office will be closed December 23rd - December 26th.
- Stewardship Information - Stewardship materials have been mailed. If you do not receive them, contact the Church Office to ensure you’re on the mailing list. There is a new format for our Commitment Card; please take the time to complete and return it to the Church Office as soon as possible.
- Save the Date! Please join the HDF Chrisi Zoe for a "Brunch and View" Fundraiser on Jan 5th immediately after Liturgy. We will be featuring a Lenten brunch buffet and a live performance of our competitive set that we have been preparing for the upcoming competition at the end of January. All proceeds will go to fund the many expenses needed to participate in this competition. Tickets are $15 each.
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